Warrior Poetry: Undertaker

It’s time to big up another legend of the game. Sit back and enjoy my futile attempt to describe The Undertaker in all of his evil glory.


Undertaker – Source: Deviant Art

Warrior Poetry

A tall demonic figure once changed our world
It was plain to see, he was no sheep for the herd
With a dastardly and scrupulous father in tow
He was established early as a name to know

While he and his keeper put down every challenger
An unknown fire was burning with anticipation
The dark prince knew not, the intentions of his brother
A fiery and most dominant force of nature

With his sibling as foe, and sometimes as friend
The reputation of the Phenom continued to ascend
A truly chilling individual with a mounting destiny
Began to formulate success with the help of his ministry

After some time away and a change of style
The big man came back with just as much guile
No longer draped in the black he was known for
An American Badass, still wanting the title

Eventually the man and the black were reunited
For long periods of time, the crowds he delighted
As the stalwart and the highlight of Friday nights
In dark times for the warrior world, he was the shining light

As his years drew to a close, his legend it rose
The man to beat, the icon of a generation
Through epic battles with all worthy challengers
At the biggest stage of all, he just couldn’t be beaten


Warrior Poetry: Edge

It’s Friday. That can mean only one thing. It’s more Warrior Poetry. Act like you want it.

EdgeEdge – Source: Deviant Art

Warrior Poetry

This warrior started young, touring all around the land
He threw down on the mat, with the best workers at hand
The moves, the holds, all of the tools he learned
To help him grow and emerge, triumphant from the herd

He evolved as a part of a brood of three
Adopted by the most evil ministry
He did their bidding, achieved their goals
But he and his brother, wanted out of the fold

They released themselves from that mighty grip
And together they innovated, together they amazed
With tables, ladders and steel chairs
The most exciting of teams, left opponents in a haze

As a lone competitor, he became tenacious and ruthless
Willing to do whatever it took, to leave enemies toothless
Without concern for popularity or blueprints
He became forever known as the ultimate opportunist

He was Rated R and only suitable for adults
Explosively controversial, and never afraid to insult
The fighter known only to us as Edge
Was always willing to do whatever it took

A career of success was brutally cut short
By a critical injury that couldn’t be reversed
At a young age, one of the best ever was gone
With a Hall of Fame place, as a legend to all


Warrior Poetry: The Rock

The RockThe Rock – Source: World Wrestling Entertainment

Warrior Poetry
The Rock

Many moons ago, there lived a mighty chief
He fought with great honour and pride
Later there came a trailblazer named Johnson
With a love for the business, he could not hide

These two warriors played a part in creating
A blueprint for success, that can’t be debated
A third generation star, you just love hating
With destiny and ability, came an ego inflated

He became the leader of a nation
A man of his own, with no lack of motivation
Charging in to battle, with his brothers at his side
Ready to take the people, on one hell of a ride

As his charisma expanded, he was covered with gold
Welcome rewards for a wonder to behold
Epic performances and moments to cherish
His desire for success could not be diminished

He left the warriors ring for bigger things
A different type of challenge, he took it with a swing
In his step, a modern day action king
A hero to millions more, new accolades to sing

At the age of a legend, no longer a cub
This warrior returned to the land he first loved
Climbed back to the top of the tallest mountain
To once again drink from the championship fountain


Warrior Poetry: Bret Hart

Please enjoy another one of my attempts at mixing poetry with wrestling. If you enjoy it, give me a ‘like’ :) Thanks for your interest and support!

Bret HartBret Hart – Source: Deviant Art

Bret Hart

Welcomed into the world with headlocks and full nelsons
Came a warrior bore from the seed of the roughest
A family that morphed into a dynasty of success
Enclosed all within it in a dungeon of the toughest

Oh, how this fighter did fight, did work, did toil
Climbed the tallest ladders, larger plots he did foil
Not supposed to be the icon of his era
This young gun fired high, creating mass hysteria

His popularity grew, and the recognition did too
Victories and success, he had more than a few
As he established himself as a man to be relied on
Both alone or in a team, his prowess you couldn’t hide from

After a long time waiting, an epic journey anticipating
The warrior had become the best there ever was
He suffered pitfalls, betrayal and even falls from grace
But The Hitman never failed to put a smile upon the face

Of every applauding fan of true warrior technique
For every spectator, for whom this man would speak
His time in the squared circle, may have ended on some lows
But he will always be remembered for stealing every show

The best and most excellent warrior of them all
Has now been bestowed the honour of immortality in the hall
His legacy and memory will survive long after he passes
As the class, the quality, the specialist at kicking asses


Thanks for reading another one of my very average poems. If you want serious, hard hitting pro wrestling articles, you can also find them here every day other than Friday. Hit ‘Follow’ and you’ll get plenty more great content from myself and my dedicated team of fellow wrestling nerds!

Warrior Poetry: Cody Rhodes

Thanks for lending an eye to some more of my Warrior Poetry. This week it’s a change of pace as I go for someone a little less established than the other heroes I’ve chosen. If you read this site much, you will know that I am a huge mark for this guy. I hope he finally gets to where he belongs soon. Anyway, please enjoy my attempt at poetry.

codyrhodesCody Rhodes – Source: Deviant Art

Cody Rhodes

He was born the son, of a son, of a plumber
Fathered by a working man, with desire and power
An icon of his era, a truly great warrior
His successes secured him, a legacy of honour

He and his sibling bore expectation from birth
A golden eccentric, his older brother became
He lived a humble and modest career to some
But this warrior attained a very good deal of fame

As for the young warrior, with big shoes to fill
He did so with a smile, and with boots to kill
Mixing confidence and will, he quickly evolved
Into a coming of age hero, with potential unreal

With another young lion, and an established gladiator
He tried to carve out a place for himself
In the prestigious history of the the game of he loved
The boy from Georgia had to stay off the shelf

He did so with vigour and true valiance
Now he moves in the ring with elegance
The hordes of fans admire his great talents
He executes spectacular moves with steady balance

Having learned from the best, and passed all the tests
It’s time for this warrior, to be better than the rest
With greater battles ahead, greater passion he must arrest
To truly reach those heights of deserved success


Thanks a lot. I hope you enjoyed reading. Leave a comment letting me who to write about next. Hit ‘Follow’ to be kept updated with reviews and opinion on the world of pro wrestling.

Warrior Poetry: Triple H

So, I have some more Warrior Poetry for you guys that have been demanding it. I really hope you enjoy this one. He may be the subject of incessant memes and accused of burying everyone he sees, but he still deserves a poem from me (See, rhyming already) It’s Triple H. Here we go. Thanks for reading.

triple h

Triple H – Source: Deviant Art

Triple H

He started out as a blue blood, an aristocrat
All the boy was missing was a fancy hat
With pompous remarks, and sly motives
No scruples but desire, the reason for that

As tenacity grew, came an attitude new
From plain and classy, controversy ensued
He ran with a gang of crude outlaws
But playing supporting role simply wouldn’t do

He flexed his muscles, the ones inside his brain
And earned “Cerebral Assassin”, a mighty nickname
The powerful tyrant, oh how he did reign
Taking control and monopolizing the game

The game, the game, most fierce of warriors
His victory and magic, so so glorious
You can tell a man, by all the alias’ he brings
And now at this time, the King of Kings

When it came time to hang up the boots
His influence and power gave new fruits
In formal dress, with locks a fading memory
This warrior still fought, even in a suit.

He came with arrogance, he came with greed
This turned to confidence, it turned to belief
He charged to the top, and never quite stopped
Never in his nature, was the will to concede


Cheers for all the support guys. I hope you like the awesome drawings from Deviant Art too. I always try to choose the best one to use. Hit ‘Follow’ if you want some more Warrior Poetry, and be sure to come straight back to The Real Mid Card for daily posts on WWE, TNA and ROH. Peace!

Warrior Poetry: Stone Cold

Thanks for your interest in another edition of Warrior Poetry, here on The Real Mid Card. If you haven’t seen the others, I’m a big wrestling fan with no real poetic ability or experience trying to mould wrestling and poetry together. Sound good? Hit Follow. Some people call him Steve Austin, I prefer Stone Cold. This is a summary of one of the greatest careers in the history of wrestling. I hope you enjoy it.

stonecoldStone Cold Steve Austin – Source: Deviant Art

Stone Cold

This warriors path really sped up in the south
But before long he was betrayed and abandoned
They weren’t smart enough to use his mouth
He didn’t have what it took to make it in the big house

In the land of extreme, he really stood out
He took on new challenges, having great bouts
Gathered many scars, took on many louts
Before you knew it, he was once again out

When he got to the real big leagues
He did begin to fulfil his dreams
The crowds came aplenty, filled stands to the seams
All to see this rattlesnake, make cowards scream

He carried a target and gained many an enemy
Degenerates, boxers and even a great one
He had his share of blood and frenzy
The once young warrior, a man he had become

The people’s hero turned to the dark side
Rejoined old faces, gave new friends the heel
But soon he was back to fighting for pride
An honourable ending, for the biggest of deals

What must a retired warrior indeed become?
Entertainer to millions, fading legend to some
Never forgotten, they long for his return
A young Punk’s growing dream, perhaps to burn


I hope you enjoyed the poem. There will be plenty more to come. Give a comment to let me know what you think and make any suggestions for superstars to write about! That would be really cool. If you want to read more, and get daily wrestling updates, hit ‘Follow’ – Thanks for all of your support :)

Warrior Poetry: Chris Jericho

After a short time away, Warrior Poetry is back. Thanks to everyone who has offered kind words of support. It really means a lot. You are about to read the end product of limited poetic ability, combined with super wrestling fandom. Enjoy. If you like what you read, give me a like, comment or follow! Thanks y’all!

deviantjerichoChris Jericho – Source: Deviant Art

Chris Jericho

He was born from a mighty Ranger’s seed
But grew up north, where it’s cold indeed
From an early age, he watched warriors in the ring
Dreaming of the chance to live that warrior dream

He cut his teeth in the local scene
With a friend they called Storm, a mighty team
As his passion progressed, so did his skill
He travelled the world, and began to believe

Through Japan, Mexico, Europe and more
Every night, from the top rope he soared
Knocking down warriors of every kind
The Lionheart was a star beginning to shine

In the land of the big time
He lit up many arenas
Until he arrived at the top
Not a place for ballerinas

He took on the greats, and oh how they fell
The warriors confidence and charisma did swell
Receiving accolade after accolade, for reaching the summit
A huge mountain to climb, and “By God, he done it!”

As the old lion did tame, his popularity stayed the same
Always giving his best, he immortalised his name
The victories and championships, were all just passing gifts
For the man who beat them all, did it all, and gave the people a lift

Warrior Poetry: Shawn Michaels

Thanks for checking out Warrior Poetry. I’ve decided to jump back on the horse after around six years. What better way to get the juices flowing than some good old fashioned professional wrestling poetry? Sounds like a novel idea to me. I’ll be twinning the poems with awesome illustrations from Deviant Art. If you haven’t seen these before, check it out. Some amazing artwork! I hope you enjoy the poem, and please feel free to leave feedback and/or criticism in a comment below. Thank you for reading!

Shawn_Michaels_Tribute_by_MLBOAShawn Michaels – Source: Deviant Art

Shawn Michaels

He shot into the world of wrestling
With a mighty step full of spring
As part of the tag team that rocked
He flew inside and outside of the ring

It wasn’t long before he had to go it alone
In back to back rumbles, he could not be overthrown
Shortly thereafter, the boyhood dream came true
His place in history had been set in stone

He formed a gang of misfits to take over the town
But continued to headline with the biggest names around
The group made us laugh, as well as gasp in awe
Sadly his body started to really let him down

While he was away, the fans were kept wanting
When he made his comeback, they were simply delighted
To see him breaking hearts and stealing shows
His foes on the other hand, were really frightened

As his career headed towards a dramatic close
His moment with Ric Flair, in history was froze
His final match with Undertaker immortalized them both
To the very top of the mountain, the Show Stopper had rose

After leaving the ring for the final time, he could hold his head lofty high
Honoured in the hall of fame, the greatest of servants to the game
He brought charisma, technique and passion to his work
In the heroic world of wrestling, he will always be the biggest of names

Warrior Poetry: CM Punk

Thanks for checking out Warrior Poetry. I’ve decided to jump back on the horse after around six years. What better way to get the juices flowing than some good old fashioned professional wrestling poetry? Sounds like a novel idea to me. I’ll be twinning the poems with awesome illustrations from Deviant Art. If you haven’t seen these before, check it out. Some amazing artwork! I hope you enjoy the poem, and please feel free to leave feedback and/or criticism in a comment below. Thank you for reading!

cm_punk_by_predator_fan-d4whe0vCM Punk – Source: Deviant Art

CM Punk

As the best in the world
Is how he wishes to be referred
Despite multiple roadblocks
He could never be deterred

From the true rock bottom
Of wrestling in the backyard
To working in the big leagues
At the very top of the card

You’re not big enough
You just don’t look right
Despite this criticism
He never gave up the fight

Respect is what he yearned for
Opportunities, he earned more
Never compromising on his beliefs
Made him the superstar that all fans adore

They chant his name in every town
He turns their frowns upside down
Not with a sickly hero facade
But with feet and fists that strike super hard

He doesn’t pander to anyone
Makes no apologies for what he’s become
The straight edge superstar has reached the apex
But he still won’t rest from tapping out the second best